About me

  • Pokémon Go

    In 2016, I discovered a new way to look at the world—through the lens of my smartphone. Pokémon GO was more than just a game; it was a cultural tidal wave. Here was an app that, in just two months, garnered over 500 million downloads and had a daily active user base in the U.S. exceeding 30 million. To me, the power of Augmented Reality to bring people together was nothing less than revolutionary.

    Into The World of Cryptocurrency

    Fast forward to 2017. Bitcoin was on everyone’s lips, from my high school buddies to even my next-door neighbors. Initially, I shrugged it off. In 2021 I learned about Polkadot’s aim to connect all blockchains. My arrival at the University of Texas at Austin kicked off my exploration into the world of crypto. I picked up every book I could read including The Infinite Machine by Camila Russo, Crypto Asset Investing in the Age of Autonomy by Jake Ryan, and the Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous. The more I read, the more I realized the fundamental change our financial systems are going through.


    Discovering (AI)Bert

    Jump to December 2022. Enter ChatGPT 3.5. Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to the limitless potential of this AI marvel. I became obsessed. I applied it to everything, (at first my homework just to see if my professors would notice… they didn’t) and when I scored a perfect 50/50 in my rhetorical analysis class, getting the best score in the class, I knew this technology would form into something incredible. If my professor, who has devoted her whole life to understanding rhetoric, couldn’t tell an AI apart from a human, how was I supposed to?

    Thus my journey to discover everything. could about technology and how it is shaping our world begins.

  • The Genesis: Modern Freestyle

    In the laid-back suburbs of Chino Hills, CA, my entrepreneurial journey found its first sparks. During high school, I flipped the traditional shopping model on its head—I wasn't just shopping; I was shopping to make a profit. Scouring every thrift store within a 25-mile radius, I resold vintage garments with flair. While it didn't make me a millionaire, it laid the foundational brick for my love of entrepreneurship.

    The Fort Worth Fumble: Lessons from A.P. Business Development

    As I settled into Fort Worth, TX, the hunger for another venture took hold. The market seemed ripe for business development. In reality, it was anything but. I found myself pounding the pavement on Magnolia Street and around downtown, pitching paper ads for TripAdvisor. After three ego-bruising months and not a single sale, it was back to the drawing board.

    The Awakening: Mr. Instaguy

    Then came a breakthrough. One fateful morning, while attending a local networking event, I found myself swarmed by small business owners desperate to navigate the labyrinth of social media. A lightbulb went off—Instagram Marketing. I pivoted and launched my consulting firm, specializing in creating potent sales funnels for small businesses. From speaking engagements to one-on-one consultations and account management, I became the go-to guy for all things Instagram.

  • Ensemble Coworking: Family Away From Family

    When I moved to Fort Worth, my "office" became a local coworking space where I exchanged a day's labor for access to the open coworking workspace. Though I was only 18, the members of this coworking community took me under their wings. They offered not just professional advice but life lessons as well, turning the coworking space into an unconventional but cherished family. In a town where I was a stranger, this community became my refuge and my resource. They were my mentors, my best friends, and felt much like family.

    The Brotherhood of Delta Sigma Phi

    College life can often feel like a lonely endeavor. However, joining Delta Sigma Phi shifted my collegiate experience from isolation to inclusion. The fraternity's brotherhood had an indelible impact on me, teaching me the true meaning of uplifting one another during life's transitional phases. Serving as President, I pursued the opportunity to strengthen our brotherhood and worked to create safe spaces for authentic self-expression.